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Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Seattle WA 98115


2024 update

The following priorities have been updated in light of changes in requirements. Discussion about projection alternatives with NOAA General Counsel.


In light of this, the group noted that the scenario that corresponds to the Author’s recommendation based on the FMP amendment, which for Tier 3 is based on Fspr rates, form the main set of results to present.

This may require consideration where years with pre-specified catches are needed for the two-year out projection or for doing a catch projection for an assessment that has lapsed for some years. In these cases, there might be a benefit (for accuracy’s sake) to do an iteration where the next-year’s catch is likely to differ from say the authors recommended ABC.

Additional optional projection scenarios might include setting fishing mortality to recent average (and maybe zero) for contrast.

Updates to ensure the code works with a subset of example models has been completed and are shown on the github site.

Earlier background and documentation

This seems to be a dead link now…:

During the November 2004 groundfish Plan Team meetings the Teams requested that work on enhancing the standardized projection model (SPM) methodology. The current projection model and methods have been used since 1999 and were designed to provide the needed projection scenarios for the annual Environmental Assessment (EA) for the TAC specifications. Additionally, two other scenarios were conducted to determine whether a stock is currently in an overfished condition or is approaching an overfished condition. The details for the projection scenarios are given in Fig. 1.

The current methodology is problematic for a number of reasons. First, the model software was not designed to provide the basis for ABC and OFL recommendations beyond the coming year. Under amendment 48/48, and as was done in 2004, the Council is required to make ABC, TAC, and OFL recommendations for the next two years (i.e., for 2005 and 2006). The projection model and software was modified to accommodate this. Also, there were a number of assumptions in the projection model that required more careful evaluation (e.g., the underlying stock-recruitment relationship assumptions, and the estimated uncertainty in current stock abundance levels). In the section below titled “standardized projection model” the developments of the SPM are provided to show compatibility with all types of assessment models used for N. Pacific groundfish.

For the Programmatic Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (PSEIS) an extension of the first version of SPM was developed (in 2002). This involved linking the stock assessment information with observed species compositions by fishery. The resulting multi-species technical interaction model (MSTIM) allowed for evaluation of alternative approaches to groundfish fishery management for federally managed waters in Alaskan waters. The MSTIM provides more realistic catch-levels to be fed into single-species stock projections. Previously, single-species evaluations were typically done in isolation to issues such as regulatory limits on the overall catch level, bycatch constraints, and effort development plans. The data requirements for MSPTIM are extensive and if one goal is to provide a simple approach for providing catch-feedback as a function of ABC levels, development of a simpler approach is warranted. In the section title “multi-species considerations” a simple model based on historical patterns of TACs, ABCs, and catches is proposed as an option for estimating future TAC levels given future ABCs.

The projection model developments relate to a number of ongoing research activities at the AFSC. For example, North Pacific groundfish Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) studies can use the projection model to easily evaluate current practices. Also, the NMFS National Standard Guidelines (NSG) for management under the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Management Conservation Act are currently under revision. The projection model and code has been designed to easily be adopted to meet anticipated future demands.

Standard projection model

Stock-recruitment relationship specifications

From the Ad-hoc meeting on projection model approaches, the report notes:

“The group discussed options for improving the projection model assumption about recruitment (i.e., that it varies about the mean level estimated from 1978 to the most recent estimated). In particular, having recruitment that is affected by spawning stock biomass (SSB) levels was considered to be more realistic. Also, specifying some degree of autocorrelation in residuals was considered desirable.

The options for using an alternative stock-recruitment relationship in the projection model as a function of SSB were given as:

  1. assume Bmsy=B35% , and Fmsy = F35% and solve for the > parameters

  2. assume Fmsy = F35% and estimate stock-recruitment parameters > given stock-recruitment output from the assessment model

  3. simply estimate the stock-recruitment parameters from input > stock-recruitment output from assessment model

  4. use estimates of stock-recruitment parameters from within the > assessment model

  5. use prior distributions for stock-recruitment parameters (or Fmsy > and Bmsy levels)…

The actual specification of the type of stock-recruitment curve will initially be either Ricker or B-Holt.

The group suggested that option 2) would be a good place to start. They noted that assessment authors will need to supply estimates of SSB to match the current estimates of recruitment for the projection model.

Adding autocorrelation to future recruitment is considered important, especially given medium-term patterns in environmental variability that apparently affect recruitment. The specification for autocorrelation function will need to ensure that the expected values are correct.”

An option for writing files with all the annual (simulated) output is now available so that different analyses can be undertaken (currently, the results are summarized internally). The standard projection model developed for the purposes of the Council and authors of the EA are not exclusive—individuals are encouraged to undertake their own projection analyses as time permits. The SPM is intended to provide a tool for the Council and assessment models to have a common utility from which to project ABC and OFL levels.

Input files

Previously, the standardized projection model evolved into a number of different versions to accommodate models with sex-specific natural mortality, growth, and multiple fisheries. Also, the ability to specify future catch scenarios was added along with the standard EA alternatives. The revised version developed here has the flexibility to deal with all options in a simple way. Additionally, the features required by the NPFMC and NMFS to easily specify updated catch levels was added, as was the ability to run any number of species from within the same framework. To simplify this and minimize inadvertent edits, the input files were split into three separate files (Fig. 2). These are organized as follows:

  • Master Setup file

    • Designed to control to assumptions and dimension of the projections, give a list of different scenarios (e.g., those listed in Fig. ).
  • The catch data file

    • Designed to specify the catch in each future year (for use by the Region and Council as values are updated) and points to the species-specific assessment result data file
  • The species-specific assessment result data file

    • Contains species and model-run specific results from the assessment model

Actual working examples of these are provided at the following web page:

Steps for doing projections
  1. Run the stock assessment model making note of the main demographic results, current numbers at age and historical stock-recruitment estimates

  2. Edit the stock-specific input files (e.g., the bottom panel of Fig 2).

  3. Edit the catch projections file which includes assumptions about future catch (e.g., the middle panel of Fig 2).

  4. Edit the “setup.dat” file which includes assumptions about projection specifications (e.g., stock-recruitment relationship or not, types of constraints, location and name of stock-specific detail files). This file is shown as the top panel of Fig 2.

  5. Run the projection model (e.g., use file “run.bat” by typing as follows: “run myfile” at the command line, where myfile is the root of the file name you selected (e.g., goa_pop)).

  6. Save and evaluate results (examine files in newly created myfile_out directory, these currently include the following:

bigfile.out full output file containing catch in every simulated year

bigsum.dat summarized version of bigfile.out

F_profile.out profile of main characteristics over fishing mortality

srec.out details on stock-recruitment data that were fit

means.out General projection results by species and alternatives

percentiles.out Gives percentiles of simulation results and variability

report.out Some simple summary output (e.g., mean age, generation time)

  1. Repeat steps 4)-6) as desired for different model configurations etc.

  2. Repeat steps 3)-7) as desired for different impacts of near-term catch levels

  3. Repeat steps 1)-8) as desired to evaluate different model results.

Example results

Since fitting a stock-recruitment relationship is one of the major enhancements for the SPM, the feature is highlighted here. In particular, varying assumptions about conditioning a stock-recruitment relationship is considered. It should be noted that the main purpose for including a stock-recruitment relationship is to provide more realistic assumptions about expected recruitment levels as stocks decline. This exercise should not be viewed as a rigorous assessment of stock productivity. However, stock-recruitment analyses are undeniably important for management considerations and the presentation here represents a limited evaluation of a large set of possible alternatives (e.g., low-frequency climate-driven changes in stock productivity).

Using the estimates of spawning biomass as reported in the 2004 SAFE reports, the fits for the conditioned (Fmsy = F35% ) and unconditioned (fit to stock-recruitment data only) between these options were reasonably consistent (Fig. ). Examining yield for these cases shows that without the conditioning, some stocks have extremely high levels of Fmsy and adding the conditions tends to reduce the level of Fmsy (Fig. ).

To understand the implications of using a stock-recruitment relationship in the projection model, it is useful to undertake some contrasts. For the first example, an “author’s recommended” ABC level was specified to be 40 times the current maximum permissible ABC level under Amendment 56 of the FMP. The intent here was to evaluate the performance of the stock to extreme levels of fishing mortality. However, since the other parts of the control-rule are implemented for the “Author’s recommended” option, the actual catch is high only in the first year since the spawning biomass is held to very low levels (and thus requiring large adjustments under the current control rule; Fig. .). Note that at very low levels the current practice of using the recent mean recruitment (and variability) results in a more optimistic outcome. To further evaluate the stock-recruitment influence on projections, a second set of runs was completed where the fishing mortality rate was unadjusted and simply held at a value of 1.0. For this scenario the stock completely collapsed in about 15 years when the stock-recruitment relationship was included but was held at about 2% of the current spawning biomass level under the mean-recruitment assumption (Fig. .).

Multi-species considerations

In this section a simple method for modeling TACs is demonstrated and applied using the new version of the SPM.


As part of an effort to develop a standardized database for both archival and analytical purposes, information gleaned from SAFE reports, Federal Register notices, NPFMC documents, and NMFS Regional Office was obtained. Specifically, the TAC, ABC, and where possible, OFL levels were compiled by stocks and areas. Some discrepancies between reports were found and where these existed, the numbers in the Federal Register notice were given highest precedence. The initial layout of the database is shown in Table 1. This database allows for straightforward and flexible cross-tabulations (e.g., Table ).

As a first step in evaluating historical patterns of TAC by species groups, a set of pair-wise plots were constructed. These show that EBS pollock TAC proportion was negatively correlated with flatfish species in addition to others while Pacific cod TAC proportion was largely independent of other TACs for both the full period of available data and for the data only since 1989 (Figs. & ). Since ABC levels are one of the main determinants of TACs by serving as an upper bound, the effect of ABCs are compared to each main species group. Pacific cod TAC levels are relatively independent of the other main species ABCs (except for Pacific cod ABC levels). An inverse relationship between pollock ABCs and flatfish TACs is apparent. Pollock TAC is affected most by pollock ABC up to the limit of about 75% of the overall TAC (2 million t).

A multispecies example of estimating TACs given ABCs

For illustration, an approach to estimate TAC levels by the main species groups was developed using a piecewise regression model fit to historical ABCs and TACs from 1989-2004 (Table ). The formulation first required defining breakpointswhere m is the number of segments for which a coefficient will be estimated. For each species, the ABCs were normalized to have a maximum of 1.0 over time and the values of the breakpoints were thus specified as equally spaced bins (i.e., ). The TAC in year t for stock j can thus be given as:


with equal to the ABC of the ith stock in year t and is the parameter matrix of dimension to be estimated (n is the total number of stocks under consideration). This approach is somewhat simpler to applying a GAM (generalized additive model) to these data which were shown to outperform simple multiple regression approaches. Experimentation with different values of m suggested that little improvements were seen with m > 5. For the results presented here, a value of m=5 was used.

Moderate second-difference penalties were placed on the values of to ensure estimability for segments where data were scarce or non-existent (i.e., the values will tend towards a mean level). This approach resulted in reasonably good fits to the historical patterns (Fig. ). For the projection model, the coefficients from the above regression were used along with an added constraint that in any future year t, (i.e., the TAC for species j predicted from the above model must be less than or equal to the ABC in that year). The code for doing this estimation is provided in an Appendix.

Results of multispecies projections

As an example using the standard projection approach, 500 simulations were conducted for a 30 year period beginning in 2004. For each future year (beyond 2006) the catch was specified using the above algorithm. Mean values from these results are presented in Table . (NOTE, a table of the ABC and OFL levels are what would have been specified in each future year are also available, as are SSB and a (minimal) estimate on the distribution of catches (i.e., the actual uncertainty in future catches should be much higher). The mean trajectories of TACs show stabilization in trends in about 10-15 years (Fig. ).


A number of changes to the SPM are completed. The ability to easily configure different catch scenarios for relevant stocks has been implemented through simple sets of data files (with further refinements expected). This should help facilitate the Council Plan Teams and the NMFS RO with the ABC and OFL levels they require for future years. Options to specify stock-recruitment relationships (primarily for more realistic projections) have been added. The code allows for technical interactions (in general) and an example using a simpler form than the “optimized” (LP) method used in the PSEIS was presented.

Future specifications will include autocorrelation in recruitment residuals. Additionally, the ability to simulate from estimates of current stock-size uncertainty is planned (and perhaps extended to apply to Alt 3b from the PSEIS). With minor modifications to the input files, trophic level output can easily be generated and is anticipated to be included in future versions. It is also envisioned that extensions to Tier 4 and lower species could be possible (as was done for the PSEIS).

References (to be revised)

Ackley, D. 1995. Bering Sea Fishery Simulation Model. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 2(1): 83-86.

Brown, B.E. , J.A. Brennan, and J.E. Palmer. 1979. Linear programming simulations of the effects of bycatch on the management of mixed species fisheries off the northeastern coast of the United States. Fishery Bulletin 76:851-860.

Larson, D .M., House, B. W. and Terry, J. M. 1996. Towards Efficient Bycatch management in Multispecies Fisheries: A Nonparametric Approach. Marine Resource Economics 11: 181-201.

Marasco, R.J. and Terry, J.M. 1982. Controlling Incidental Catch: An Economic Analysis of Six Management Options. Marine Policy 14:131-139.

Murawski, S.A., and Finn, J.T. 1986. Optimal effort allocation among competing mixed-species fisheries, subject to fishing mortality constraints. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43:90-100.

Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T. and Flannerty, B.P. 1992. Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press. New York.


Figure . Standard harvest scenarios used for the projection model (e.g., for assessments done in 2004).
Figure . General layout of projection model input files.
Figure 3. Fit of stock-recruitment relationship with and without added condition that Fmsy = F35% .
Figure 3. Continued.
Figure 3. Continued.
Figure 3. Continued.
Figure 3. Continued.
Figure 3. Continued.
Figure . Equilibrium yield profiles over fishing mortality rates for unconditioned cases (stock-recruitment relationships fit only to output from stock assessments, top panel) and conditioned cases (where Fmsy = F35% , bottom panel).
Figure . Mean trajectories for scenarios where the status-quo situation ABC multiplier is very large. This contrasts the behavior of the assumption about using mean recruitment (current projection system) versus a conditioned (Fmsy = F35%) assumption..
Figure . Projections of spawning stock biomass (as a percentage of the 2004 level) for Pacific ocean perch in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region under extreme constant levels of fishing mortality (F = 1.0). The projections represented by the circles are based on the assumption that recruitment will vary and have the same mean as in the recent path whereas the solid dashes are based on the assumption that a stock-recruitment relationship (i.e., conditioned such that the F35% = Fmsy ).
Figure . Correlations of TAC proportions among main species groups for the BSAI during 1989-2004. Values in boxes on upper right side represent correlations.
Figure . Correlations of TAC proportions among main species groups for the BSAI during 1995-2004. Values in boxes on upper right side represent correlations.
Figure . Observed versus predicted TAC levels given historical data presented in Table 1 (millions of tons).
Pollock and Pacific cod (projected TACs in metric tons)
Other species (projected TACs in metric tons)
Figure . Example 30-year multi-species projections of BSAI mean TACs using the regression model of historical TAC levels given ABC values.


Table . Initial database layout (subject to validation and further edits) for historical ABC and TAC levels as available at
Source SAFE_2004 SAFE_2004 SAFE_2004 … Area BSAI BSAI BSAI Mgt_Area BSAI BSAI BSAI Name_Quant TAC TAC TAC Spp Atka Atka Atka Year 1978 1979 1980 Level 24,800 24,800 24,800 Reclass Atka Atka Atka
Table . Example cross tabulations from the database (subject to validation and further edits). ABC (top table) and TAC (lower table) levels for BSAI regions.
Year Atka Oflats OthSpp Pcod Pollock POP RockFish RockSole Sable Gturb YfinSole FheadSole Arrowtooth AKPlaice NrthrnRF Grand Total
1977   65,000     950,000 21,500     7,400 40,000 106,000         1,189,900
1978   139,000 950,000 21,500 6,500 40,000 106,000 1,263,000
1979   61,000 1,100,000 21,500 7,700 5,000 90,000 117,000 1,402,200
1980 24,800 61,000 74,200 148,000 1,300,000 18,000 7,700 3,700 76,000 169,000 20,000 1,902,400
1981 24,800 92,500 94,400 160,000 1,300,000 18,000 21,300 3,700 59,800 214,500 16,500 2,005,500
1982 24,800 92,500 94,300 168,000 1,300,000 18,000 22,000 2,900 60,000 214,500 16,500 2,013,500
1983 25,500 119,200 61,400 298,200 1,300,000 11,800 14,100 2,900 65,000 214,500 20,000 2,132,600
1984 25,500 150,200 61,000 291,300 1,300,000 12,160 14,100 6,185 47,500 310,000 20,000 2,237,945
1985 37,700 150,200 51,200 347,400 1,300,000 12,760 8,910 6,080 44,200 310,000 20,000 2,288,450
1986 30,800 137,500 35,900 249,300 1,300,000 10,200 8,900 7,200 35,000 230,000 20,000 2,064,800
1987 30,800 193,300 49,500 400,000 1,300,000 14,700 1,880 7,700 20,000 187,000 30,900 2,235,780
1988 21,000 331,900 54,000 385,300 1,500,000 22,600 1,500 9,200 14,100 254,000 99,500 2,693,100
1989 21,000 155,900 59,000 370,600 1,340,000 22,600 1,500 171,000 6,200 20,300 241,000 163,700 2,572,800
1990 24,000 188,000 55,500 417,000 1,450,000 22,900 1,600 216,300 2,700 7,000 278,900 106,500 2,770,400
1991 24,000 219,700 28,700 229,000 1,676,000 15,345 1,325 246,500 3,100 7,000 250,600 116,400 2,817,670
1992 43,000 199,600 27,200 182,000 1,490,000 15,240 1,325 260,800 1,400 7,000 372,000 82,300 2,681,865
1993 117,100 191,000 26,600 164,500 1,340,000 17,230 1,325 185,000 1,500 7,000 238,000 72,000 2,361,255
1994 122,500 225,000 27,500 191,000 1,330,000 14,210 1,135 313,000 540 17,200 230,000 93,400 2,565,485
1995 125,000 117,000 27,600 328,000 1,250,000 13,750 1,135 347,000 1,600 7,000 277,000 138,000 113,000 2,746,085
1996 116,000 102,000 27,600 305,000 1,190,000 22,360 1,449 361,000 2,500 10,300 278,000 116,000 129,000 2,661,209
1997 66,700 97,500 25,800 306,000 1,130,000 21,948 1,087 296,000 2,675 12,350 233,000 101,000 108,000 2,402,060
1998 64,300 164,000 25,800 210,000 1,110,000 18,962 1,054 312,000 2,680 15,000 220,000 132,000 147,000 2,422,796
1999 73,300 154,000 32,860 177,000 992,000 20,862 1,054 309,000 3,200 14,200 212,000 77,300 140,000 2,206,776
2000 70,800 117,000 31,360 193,000 1,139,000 21,129 1,054 230,000 3,900 9,300 191,000 73,500 131,000 2,212,043
2001 69,300 122,000 35,570 188,000 1,874,270 11,930 8,829 228,000 4,060 8,400 176,000 84,000 117,000 2,927,359
2002 49,000 18,100 41,070 223,000 2,138,110 14,800 2,065 225,000 4,480 8,100 115,000 82,600 113,000 143,000 6,760 3,184,085
2003 63,000 16,000 45,270 223,000 2,373,470 15,100 2,561 110,000 6,000 5,880 114,000 66,000 112,000 137,000 7,101 3,296,382
2004 66,700 13,500 48,780 223,000 2,601,970 13,300 2,315 139,000 6,450 4,740 114,000 61,900 115,000 203,000 6,880 3,620,535
Year Atka Oflats OthSpp Pcod Pollock POP RockFish RockSole Sable Gturb YfinSole FheadSole Arrowtooth AKPlaice NrthrnRF Grand Total
1977   100,000 103,600 58,000 950,000 21,500     7,400   106,000         1,346,500
1978 24,800 159,000 111,400 70,500 950,000 21,500 4,500 126,000 1,467,700
1979 24,800 139,000 103,600 58,000 950,000 21,500 4,500 106,000 1,407,400
1980 24,800 61,000 84,249 70,700 1,000,000 10,750 7,727 5,000 117,000 1,381,226
1981 24,800 61,000 84,249 78,700 1,000,000 10,750 7,727 5,000 117,000 1,389,226
1982 24,800 61,000 84,249 78,700 1,000,000 10,750 7,727 5,000 117,000 1,389,226
1983 24,800 61,000 87,314 120,000 1,000,000 10,750 7,727 5,000 117,000 1,433,591
1984 35,000 111,490 48,900 210,000 1,200,000 6,360 7,050 5,340 230,000 1,854,140
1985 37,700 111,400 47,980 220,000 1,200,000 4,800 6,620 4,500 229,900 1,862,900
1986 30,800 124,200 32,800 229,000 1,200,000 7,625 6,625 6,450 33,000 209,500 20,000 1,900,000
1987 30,800 148,300 15,500 280,000 1,200,000 11,025 1,880 7,700 20,000 187,000 9,795 1,912,000
1988 21,000 131,369 11,000 200,000 1,300,000 11,000 1,500 8,400 11,200 254,000 5,531 1,955,000
1989 20,285 75,183 14,264 230,681 1,340,000 11,000 1,500 90,763 6,200 6,800 182,675 6,000 1,985,351
1990 21,000 60,150 5,500 227,000 1,280,000 12,900 1,600 60,000 7,200 7,000 207,650 10,000 1,900,000
1991 24,000 64,675 16,000 229,000 1,300,000 15,345 1,325 90,000 6,300 7,000 135,000 20,000 1,908,645
1992 43,000 79,000 22,000 182,000 1,300,000 16,640 8,215 40,000 4,400 7,000 235,000 10,000 1,947,255
1993 64,000 79,000 28,600 164,500 1,300,000 18,430 7,390 75,000 4,100 7,000 220,000 10,000 1,978,020
1994 68,000 56,000 29,500 191,000 1,330,000 14,210 8,025 75,000 3,340 7,000 150,325 10,000 1,942,400
1995 80,000 19,540 21,000 250,000 1,250,000 13,610 7,223 60,000 3,800 7,000 190,000 30,000 10,227 1,942,400
1996 106,157 35,000 20,125 270,000 1,190,000 21,514 1,304 70,000 2,300 7,000 200,000 30,000 9,000 1,962,400
1997 66,700 50,750 25,800 270,000 1,130,000 21,948 1,087 97,185 2,300 9,000 230,000 43,500 20,760 1,969,030
1998 64,300 89,434 25,800 210,000 1,110,000 18,962 1,054 100,000 2,680 15,000 220,000 100,000 16,000 1,973,230
1999 66,400 154,000 32,860 177,000 992,000 20,362 1,054 120,000 3,200 9,000 207,980 77,300 134,354 1,995,510
2000 70,800 83,813 31,360 193,000 1,139,000 21,129 1,054 137,760 3,900 9,300 123,262 52,652 131,000 1,998,030
2001 69,300 28,000 28,470 188,000 1,403,000 11,930 8,829 75,000 4,060 8,400 113,000 40,000 22,011 2,000,000
2002 49,000 3,000 32,795 200,000 1,486,100 14,800 2,065 54,000 4,480 8,000 86,000 25,000 16,000 12,000 6,760 2,000,000
2003 60,000 3,000 34,279 207,500 1,492,810 14,100 2,561 44,000 6,000 4,000 83,750 20,000 12,000 10,000 6,000 2,000,000
2004 63,000 3,000 28,480 215,500 1,493,050 12,580 1,815 41,000 6,000 3,500 86,075 19,000 12,000 10,000 5,000 2,000,000
Table . Historical specifications of ABC levels (top) and TAC levels (bottom panel) for BSAI groundfish species.
ABC Yr 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Stock (millions of tons) Pollock 1.340 1.450 1.676 1.490 1.340 1.330 1.250 1.190 1.130 1.110 0.992 1.139 1.874 2.138 2.373 2.602 Pcod 0.371 0.417 0.229 0.182 0.165 0.191 0.328 0.305 0.306 0.210 0.177 0.193 0.188 0.223 0.223 0.223 Yfin 0.241 0.279 0.251 0.372 0.238 0.230 0.277 0.278 0.233 0.220 0.212 0.191 0.176 0.115 0.114 0.114 RockSole 0.171 0.216 0.247 0.261 0.185 0.313 0.347 0.361 0.296 0.312 0.309 0.230 0.228 0.225 0.110 0.139 Oflats 0.156 0.188 0.220 0.200 0.191 0.225 0.255 0.218 0.199 0.296 0.231 0.191 0.206 0.244 0.219 0.278 Others 0.273 0.196 0.172 0.134 0.126 0.154 0.164 0.193 0.172 0.210 0.212 0.198 0.186 0.190 0.194 0.197 Atka 0.021 0.024 0.024 0.043 0.117 0.123 0.125 0.116 0.067 0.064 0.073 0.071 0.069 0.049 0.063 0.067
TAC Yr 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Stock  (percentage of 2-million ton TAC) Pollock 67.5% 67.4% 68.1% 66.8% 65.7% 68.5% 64.4% 60.6% 57.4% 56.3% 49.7% 57.0% 70.2% 74.3% 74.6% 74.7% Pcod 11.6% 11.9% 12.0% 9.3% 8.3% 9.8% 12.9% 13.8% 13.7% 10.6% 8.9% 9.7% 9.4% 10.0% 10.4% 10.8% Yfin 9.2% 10.9% 7.1% 12.1% 11.1% 7.7% 9.8% 10.2% 11.7% 11.1% 10.4% 6.2% 5.7% 4.3% 4.2% 4.3% RockSole 4.6% 3.2% 4.7% 2.1% 3.8% 3.9% 3.1% 3.6% 4.9% 5.1% 6.0% 6.9% 3.8% 2.7% 2.2% 2.1% Oflats 3.8% 3.2% 3.4% 4.1% 4.0% 2.9% 2.6% 3.3% 4.8% 9.6% 11.6% 6.8% 3.4% 2.0% 1.7% 1.6% Others 2.3% 2.3% 3.5% 3.5% 3.8% 3.7% 3.2% 3.1% 4.1% 4.0% 10.1% 9.9% 4.2% 4.2% 3.9% 3.5% Atka 1.0% 1.1% 1.3% 2.2% 3.2% 3.5% 4.1% 5.4% 3.4% 3.3% 3.3% 3.5% 3.5% 2.5% 3.0% 3.2%
Table 4. Example of projected catch estimates for the main BSAI groundfish species. Note that “others” aren’t included (e.g., those stocks for which an age-structured assessment is unavailable).
Catch Stock
Year Pollock Pcod Yfin Atka Rock
Flathead ATF



POP Sable GTurb



2004 1,492.0 215.5 68.5 63.0 41.0 16.6 15.8 7.6 12.6 4.2 2.2 5.0
2005 1,478.5 206.0 90.7 63.0 41.5 14.5 12.0 8.0 12.0 2.2 3.1 4.4
2006 1,487.8 195.0 90.0 63.0 42.0 20.0 12.0 10.0 12.6 4.8 3.5 5.0
2007 1,191.2 186.8 107.8 85.8 72.4 50.4 49.4 31.2 10.1 4.9 8.8 4.0
2008 1,119.6 170.0 98.4 65.5 84.4 23.5 22.3 10.8 12.1 4.4 3.1 5.0
2009 1,194.1 171.2 85.3 59.6 78.0 22.2 20.5 11.8 11.4 4.0 3.3 4.7
2010 1,277.3 184.3 73.8 58.2 68.9 23.1 19.3 13.6 10.4 3.8 3.9 4.3
2011 1,322.6 193.9 69.3 58.0 64.3 21.1 17.0 12.5 9.9 3.9 3.5 4.1
2012 1,347.3 199.0 68.9 57.3 59.9 21.9 17.8 12.5 9.6 4.3 3.5 3.9
2013 1,348.1 199.7 70.9 57.0 57.1 25.2 20.7 13.7 9.5 5.0 3.9 3.8
2014 1,343.3 199.2 73.6 56.1 56.1 28.4 23.4 15.3 9.4 5.4 4.3 3.8
2015 1,346.7 196.8 76.3 55.7 55.4 28.8 24.1 15.4 9.4 5.4 4.3 3.8
2016 1,345.8 194.6 77.8 55.7 54.8 29.7 24.8 15.8 9.5 5.5 4.5 3.8
2017 1,349.0 195.8 79.0 56.1 53.4 29.8 24.9 15.6 9.5 5.5 4.4 3.8
2018 1,353.1 195.8 80.1 56.2 53.5 30.9 25.4 16.1 9.6 5.6 4.5 3.8
2019 1,351.8 195.2 81.0 56.1 54.4 30.6 25.0 15.7 9.7 5.6 4.4 3.9
2020 1,345.6 194.4 81.7 56.2 54.7 31.1 25.3 16.1 9.8 5.6 4.6 3.9
2021 1,350.6 193.6 82.4 56.5 54.2 31.2 25.2 16.2 9.9 5.7 4.6 3.9
2022 1,354.6 194.3 83.7 56.7 54.1 30.8 24.9 15.9 9.9 5.6 4.5 4.0
2023 1,351.8 195.7 84.2 56.4 54.4 30.8 24.9 15.7 10.0 5.6 4.5 4.0
2024 1,352.9 196.1 84.1 56.1 54.2 31.2 25.1 16.0 10.1 5.7 4.5 4.0
2025 1,357.3 195.1 84.1 56.3 53.5 31.4 25.4 15.8 10.1 5.8 4.5 4.0
2026 1,357.4 196.9 84.9 56.8 53.5 31.1 25.2 15.9 10.2 5.7 4.5 4.0
2027 1,363.6 197.5 84.5 57.2 53.3 30.5 24.9 15.5 10.1 5.7 4.4 4.0
2028 1,368.6 197.4 85.0 57.4 53.1 30.7 25.0 15.7 10.2 5.7 4.4 4.0
2029 1,369.0 197.8 85.1 57.1 52.7 30.7 25.1 15.9 10.2 5.6 4.5 4.0
2030 1,363.7 197.6 85.9 56.7 53.2 30.8 25.3 15.7 10.3 5.7 4.4 4.1
2031 1,357.1 197.6 86.5 56.5 53.4 31.2 25.4 16.3 10.4 5.6 4.6 4.1
2032 1,353.2 197.4 87.2 56.5 53.7 31.7 25.7 16.3 10.5 5.7 4.6 4.2
2033 1,353.1 199.8 88.2 57.2 54.2 31.3 25.5 16.0 10.6 5.6 4.5 4.2
Table 5. Catch specifications used for June 2005 projections.
Alternative 1 2 3 4 5
Species-specific 2006 catch Equals level obtained if fishing at FABC (max permissible under FMP) Equals TACs specified in 2004 Equals level obtained if fishing at
Equals level obtained if fishing at
5-yr avg F
(no fishing)
Annual species-specific catch after 2006 Equals level obtained if fishing at FABC Equals minimum of level at FABC or due to TAC model Equals level obtained if fishing at
Equals level obtained if fishing at
5-yr avg F
(no fishing)

Appendix—projection model details

The following presents details on the steps of the projection simulations. A glossary of notation is provided at the end of this section for reference.

Recruitment options

a) Recruitment projections similar to selected period (current practice)

For this option, recruitment estimates for the selected years (e.g., 1978-2003 or the largest available subset thereof) are obtained from each of the respective 2004 stock assessments. For each stock, these recruitments are used to find maximum likelihood estimates for the inverse Gaussian distribution parameters. The distribution was parameterized such that one of the parameters represented the distribution mean. A recruitment time series was obtained for each simulation by drawing randomly from this parametric distribution.

b) Recruitment projections based on estimates from stock-recruitment output (estimates from stock assessment model, otherwise unconditioned)

For this option, spawning biomass and recruitment estimates for the selected years (e.g., 1978-2003 or the largest available subset thereof) are obtained from each of the respective 2004 stock assessments. For each stock, these recruitments are used to find maximum likelihood estimates for stock-recruitment relationship parameters (e.g., steepness, 0, and σR). Here the random number seed results in generation of standard normal deviates that are applied to the (bias-corrected) stock-recruitment curve and follows a log-normal distribution.

c) Recruitment projections based on conditioned estimates from stock-recruitment output (estimates from stock assessment model, but conditioned such that F35% = Fmsy)

For this option, spawning biomass and recruitment estimates for the selected years (e.g., 1978-2003 or the largest available subset thereof) are obtained from each of the respective 2004 stock assessments. For each stock, these recruitments are used to find maximum likelihood estimates for stock-recruitment relationship parameters (e.g., steepness, 0, and σR). Here the random number seed results in generation of standard normal deviates that are applied to the (bias-corrected) stock-recruitment curve and follows a log-normal distribution.

d) Recruitment projections based on conditioned stock-recruitment relationship (estimates solely conditioned such that B35% = Bmsy and F35% = Fmsy)

For this option, the stock-recruitment relationship (given the shape of the curve) is conditioned such that B35% = Bmsy and F35% = Fmsy. The spawning biomass and recruitment estimates for the selected years (e.g., 1978-2003 or the largest available subset thereof) are obtained from each of the respective 2004 stock assessments and are included, but given very little weight (they remain in the model to obtain estimates of σR. For each stock, these recruitments are used to find maximum likelihood estimates for stock-recruitment relationship parameters (e.g., steepness, 0, and σR). Here the random number seed results in generation of standard normal deviates that are applied to the (bias-corrected) stock-recruitment curve and follows a log-normal distribution.

Estimating actual fishing mortality rates for the initial year

Where needed (e.g., in projection years where catch is specified externally), the fishing mortality rate that would set catch equal to Ct is solved by the following implicit equation:

Project numbers-at age for all ages, years, and simulations

For each scenario, a specified number of projection simulations were conducted. The projected numbers at age in each year were based on an annual feedback of “actual” catch if required. The steps for these projections were (for a given species) were as follows:

1) Initialize the simulation index:

2) Increment the simulation index:

3) Initialize the time index:

4) Compute numbers at age for initial year of simulation u:

5) Set fishing mortality rate for year t' of simulation u:

6) Increment time index:

7) Compute numbers at age in year t of simulation u:

1 for a=1,

for 1< a < nage,

for a = nage,.

9) Compute the ABC fishing mortality rate that establishes the TAC for year t of simulation u. The appropriate fishing mortality rate was determined by the projection year and the relative spawning biomass of the stock as shown in the table below (Bref corresponds to B40% in all cases unless otherwise specified). Fref corresponds to the fishing mortality specified as the FABC value.

Relative spawning biomass Fishing mortality rate

where and is the total mortality rate between the beginning of the year and the time of spawning. The value of was computed iteratively (since it can be a function of fishing mortality). Note also that for some alternatives (described below) these rules change for some species. For a given Alternative i, the fishing mortality is treated as a function of the FABC value:

as specified by the alternative.

10) Compute the TAC value as the annually varying limit on catch. For a given species and value of (for alternative i) the projection model computes the TAC used in the constraint as


11) Compute the actual catch, , if specified by a TAC model or initial projection year.

12) Solve for the fishing mortality rate that would set catch equal to in year t of simulation u (as estimated from the multispecies management constrained optimization problem described below and varies by alternative) by solving the following implicit equation:

13) Check to see if all years of simulation u have been completed, then continue as necessary:

If t<npro+1, return to (6)

If t=npro+1, end simulation u.

14) Return to (2) until all simulations are complete.

Step 5: Store stock performance statistics from the above projections

A series of individual stock performance indicators (for species with age-structure results specified) were computed separately for each alternative and described as follows.

Total biomass in each year and simulation:

Spawning biomass and catch (as specified above) were stored for each species, year and simulation. Approximate confidence bounds were computed from the simulation output by simply ranking results from the simulations and computing the percentile values corresponding to the desired intervals (here taken as the 10th and 90th percentile). Also computed was the implied spawning biomass per-recruit (SPR) rate given the level of catch in a single year and simulation. For example, the theoretical percentage of unfished spawning output expected from a single recruit if fishing mortality were equal to the estimated fishing mortality over the life of the species.

Average age for each stock in the final projection year across all simulations was also computed as:

Glossary of symbols used in description of the model


amax Maximum age used in the model (plus group)

amin Minimum age used in the model

nage Number of ages in the model

ngear Number of gear types for which separate selectivity schedules are used (as in the assessments)

npro Number of years to project beyond the initial year in each simulation

nsims Number of simulations

Number of gears with allocation constraints

nFsh Number of fisheries

nsp Number of species

narea Number of management areas defined for each species


a Relative age index, 1anage

g Fishery index, 1gnFsh

k Sub-area

h Fishing gear type

t Projection year index, 1tnpro

t' Projection year index, 1t'number of projection years where catch is pre-specified

u Simulation index, 1unsims

i Alternative index

j Species index

Life History and Fishery Parameters

dh Proportion of total instantaneous fishing mortality rate distributed to gear h

Ma Natural mortality rate at age a

ma Proportion of age a fish that are mature

wa Weight-at-age in the population

p Proportion of females in the population

sa,h Selectivity of gear type h for fish of age a (scaled so that max(s)=1)

wa,h Weight of age a fish as sampled by gear h

Other Parameters and Expressions Used in Projections

SPR Spawning biomass per recruit

ABC Acceptable biological catch

TAC Total allowable catch

Bref A parameter of the control rules used to set the overfishing rate and to constrain FABC

Bt,u Spawning biomass in projection year t of simulation u

Ct,u Catch in projection year t of simulation u for each population

Ft,u Fishing mortality rate in projection year t of simulation u for each population

Flim A parameter of the control rule used to set the overfishing rate

Fref A parameter of the control rule used to constrain FABC

Fishing mortality rate in projection year t of simulation u for each population

Total mortality rate between the beginning of the year and the spawning period

Na,t Numbers at age a in projection year t

Na,t,u Numbers at age a in projection year t of simulation u

na Numbers at age a in initial year

Ot,u Rate of fishing mortality that constitutes overfishing in projection year t of simulation u

P Probability of overfishing in at least one year of the projection period

Rt,u Recruitment in projection year t of simulation u

Tt,u Total biomass (between ages amin and amax) in projection year t of simulation u

TACt TAC actually specified for t

A Average age for each stock in the final projection year across all simulations

Computation of SPR values

Using species specific demographic values, fishing mortality rates (e.g., ) that would reduce the female spawning stock (per recruit) to some fraction of the unfished level. The age-specific factors are: selectivity, natural mortality, maturity, and weight or fecundity. For example, to compute an algorithm to solve the following set of implicit equations was used:

where corresponds to the spawning stock per recruit of population p in an unfished equilibrium state. This information was used within the management rule that determines the quota. For some species and alternatives different F-spr rates were used.

Appendix—code for fitting TAC given historical ABC levels


int nsd

!! nsd=5;

init_int nnodes

init_number samplesize

init_number pen_spp

init_number pen_nodes

init_int nspp

init_int nyrs

int nobs

!! nobs = nspp*nyrs*nspp;

init_matrix data(1,nobs,1,5)

3darray obs_tac(1,nyrs,1,nspp,1,nspp)

3darray obs_abc(1,nyrs,1,nspp,1,nspp)

3darray rescaled_abc(1,nyrs,1,nspp,1,nspp)

vector maxabc(1,nspp)

number offset;

imatrix inode(1,nyrs,1,nspp)



for (int i=1;i<=nobs;i++)



obs_abc(data(i,3),data(i,1),data(i,2)) = data(i,4);

obs_tac(data(i,3),data(i,2),data(i,1)) = data(i,5);

if (obs_abc(data(i,3),data(i,1),data(i,2)) > maxabc(data(i,2)))

maxabc(data(i,2)) = obs_abc(data(i,3),data(i,1),data(i,2)) ;


int ijunk;

offset = 0.;

for (int i=1;i<=nyrs;i++)


for (int j=1;j<=nspp;j++)


for (int k=1;k<=nspp;k++)

rescaled_abc(i,j,k) = obs_abc(i,j,k)/maxabc(k);

for (int k=1;k<=nspp;k++)


ijunk = int(rescaled_abc(i,j,k)*nnodes) ;

inode(i,k) = ijunk;


obs_tac(i,j) /= sum(obs_tac(i,j));


offset -= samplesize * obs_tac(i,1) * log(obs_tac(i,1));




number tac_pen;

init_bounded_matrix theta(0,nnodes,1,nspp,-8,8,1)

matrix pred_tac(1,nyrs,1,nspp)

matrix abc_tac(1,nyrs,1,nspp)

sdreport_matrix sdTAC(1,nsd,1,nspp)

vector like(1,4);

objective_function_value obj_fun





for (int i=1;i<=nyrs;i++) {

for (int j=1;j<=nspp;j++) {

pred_tac(i,j) += rescaled_abc(i,1,j) * mfexp(theta(inode(i,j),j)) ;


pred_tac(i) /= sum(pred_tac(i));


int ijunk;

for (int i=1;i<=nsd;i++) {

for (int j=1;j<=nspp;j++) {

ijunk = int( double(i)/nsd * nnodes) ;

sdTAC(i,j) = double(i)/double(nsd) * mfexp( theta(ijunk,j) ) ;



// Fit the TAC portions

for (int i=1;i<=nyrs;i++)

like(1) -= samplesize * obs_tac(i,1) * log(pred_tac(i)) ;

like(1) -= offset;

// Penalize differences in theta over species...

for (int i=0;i<=nnodes;i++)

like(2) += pen_spp * norm2(first_difference(first_difference(theta(i))));

// Penalize differences in theta over nodes...

if (nnodes >1)

for (int j=1;j<=nspp;j++)

like(3) += pen_nodes*norm2(first_difference(first_difference(trans(theta)(j))));

// Penalize TAC less than ABC's...

dvariable xtmp;

for (int i=1;i<=nyrs;i++)


for (int j=1;j<=nspp;j++)


abc_tac(i,j) = obs_abc(i,1,j)-(2.0*pred_tac(i,j));

xtmp = posfun( (abc_tac(i,j) ), 0.2 , tac_pen );



like(4) = 20.*tac_pen;

obj_fun = sum(like);


report<<"Obs_TAC " <<endl;

for (int i=1;i<=nyrs;i++)

report<<2.*obs_tac(i,1)<< " Pred: "<<i<<" "<<2.*pred_tac(i)<<endl;

report<<"Pred_TAC " <<endl;

for (int i=1;i<=nyrs;i++)


report<<"Obs_ABC " <<endl;

for (int i=1;i<=nyrs;i++)


report<<"Obs_ABC/Pred_TAC " <<endl;

for (int i=1;i<=nyrs;i++)



report<<nnodes<<" "<<samplesize<<" "<<pen_spp<<" "<<pen_nodes<<" "<<like<<endl;


for (int i=1;i<=nsd;i++) report<<sdTAC(i)<<endl;

ofstream ofs("tacpar.dat");

ofs << nspp <<endl;

ofs << nnodes <<endl;

ofs << maxabc <<endl;

ofs << theta <<endl;





