longline database documentation available on akfin

  area = c("goa", "bs", "ai"),
  by = "fmpsubarea",
  use_historical = FALSE,
  print_sql = FALSE,
  save = TRUE



max year to retrieve data from


5 digit afsc/race species code(s) e.g., 20510 for sablefish or c(30576, 30050) for both shortraker and rougheye/blackspotted


options are 'goa', 'bs', 'ai', or a combo. default=c('goa', 'bs', 'ai')


'depth' (stratum-level), 'geoarea' (e.g. Spencer Gully, Kodiak slope), 'councilarea' (e.g., West Yakutat, East Yakutat/Southeast), 'fmpsubarea' (e.g., Eastern Gulf of Alaska), or 'akwide' (only for sablefish). default: 'fmpsubarea' - can only call a single area. note that variances are not available at the depth stratum level (by = 'depth')


T/F include historical Japanese survey data in the results (default: false)


the database to query (akfin)


outputs the sql query instead of calling the data (default: false) - save must be false


save the file in designated folder, if FALSE outputs to global environment


saves lls rpn-weighted length frequency data as data/raw/lls_rpn_length_data.csv or outputs to the global environment. also saves a copy of the SQL code used for the query and stores it in the data/sql folder.


sablefish: includes data from strata 3-7 (depths 201-1000 m) and rpns are adjusted for sperm whale depredation

all other species: includes data from all strata (depths 151-1000 m)

sex-specific lengths are collected for sablefish, giant grenadier, spiny dogfish, pacific cod, and greenland turbot (starting in 2021!). sex codes: 1=male, 2=female, 3=unknown

results only include geographic/stratum areas that are used for rpns calc (i.e., exploitable == 1). also ' records with length = 999 have been removed. these records are present in the database to account for instances when there ' was catch in a stratum/station but no lengths collected. the ' 999 lengths ensure rpns sum properly to the area-level but should not be included in the length compositions.

available source tables on akfin: lls_length_area_3_to_7_depred lls_length_area_all_strata


if (FALSE) {
db <- afscdata::connect("akfin")
# sablefish domestic longline survey rpn-weighted length frequencies (1990-2022) for
# goa and bsai. note that sablefish rpns are corrected for sperm whale 
# depredation and only include data from strata 3-7

q_lls_rpn_length(year=2022, species=20510, area=c('bsai','goa'), db=db, save=FALSE)

# pcod domestic longline survey rpn-weighted length frequencies (1997-2022,
# odd years only) for the bering sea

q_lls_rpn_length(year=2022, species=21720, area='bs', db=db, save=FALSE) 