longline database documentation available on akfin
area = c("goa", "bs", "ai"),
use_historical = FALSE,
db = akfin,
print_sql = FALSE,
save = TRUE
max year to retrieve data from
options are 'goa', 'bs', 'ai', or a combo. default=c('goa', 'bs', 'ai')
T/F include historical Japanese survey data in the results (default: false)
the database to query (akfin)
outputs the sql query instead of calling the data (default: false) - save must be false
save the file in designated folder, if FALSE outputs to global environment
saves lls sablefish specimen data as data/raw/lls_specimen_data.csv or outputs to the global environment. also saves a copy of the SQL code used for the query and stores it in the data/sql folder.
source table on akfin: afsc.lls_age_view
if (FALSE) {
# sablefish specimen data in 1996 (first year ages were collected in the goa domestic survey)
# in the gulf of alaska
q_lls_specimen(year=2000, area="goa", db=db)