prohibited species catch (PSC) estimates reported in tons for halibut and herring, counts for salmon, crabs and other fish. Note that you can combine trip target codes c("k", "x") and regions - though results will be lumped together
q_psc(year, target, area, db, save = TRUE)
assessment year
targeted species: 'p' = pollock-mid, 'b' = pollock-bottom, x' = rex, 'h' = shallow flats, 'k' = rockfish, 'w' = arrowtooth, 'c' = pcod, 'i' = halibut
fmp_area (GOA, BSAI) or fmp_subarea (BS, AI, WG, CG, WY, EY, SE) - also available (SEI, PWSI)
data server to connect to (akfin)
save the file in designated folder (default = T) or the global environment
a csv of prohibited species catch by trip target group, saved in the data/output folder
if (FALSE) {
akfin = connect()
q_psc(year=2022, target="k", area="goa", db=akfin, save=FALSE)