To create catch reports first the data in the google sheet need to be up to date
Next open Rstudio, create a Project (name it something like
I recommend then creating a folder by year
Install the planteam
package and load it.
Overall the setup and running will look like:
# install.packages("devtools")
# remotes::install_github("afsc-assessments/planteam")
catch_report(title = "1.B. Assessment of walleye pollock in the Bogoslof Island Region",
authors = "James N. Ianelli, S. J. Barbeaux, Ivonne Ortiz, and D. McKelvey",
stock = "pollock",
area = "Bogoslof",
year = 2023,
next_full_year = 2024,
catch_data_date = "November 5, 2023",
output_dir = "2023")
This will generate a report that is placed in the selected output
directory, so in this case it would be
Similarly a catch report for BSAI other rockfish would be entered as:
catch_report(title = "16. Assessment of the Other Rockfish stock complex in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands ",
authors = "Jane Sullivan, Matt Callahan, Andy Kingham, Todd TenBrink, Ivonne Ortiz, Elizabeth Siddon, and Paul Spencer ",
stock = "orox",
area = "BSAI",
year = 2023,
last_full_year = 2022,
next_full_year = 2024,
catch_data_date = "November 5, 2023",
output_dir = "2023")
If you have any problems please document them and post them as an issue on github at: