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library(cowplot) # install.packages('cowplot') # helpful plotting utilities

ggplot2::theme_set(cowplot::theme_cowplot(font_size = 14) +
                     cowplot::background_grid() +

A zero biomass observation occurs when a species is not detected in a survey strata, resulting in an estimated biomass equal to zero and no estimate of variance. These zeros are problematic in the REMA model because biomass is estimated in log-space, and therefore cannot handle zeros. Currently, the default method in REMA is to treat zeros as NAs, or missing values. The REMA package contains alternative methods that allow easy exploration of zero assumptions, including an option to add a user-defined constant (default small constant = 0.0001) and manually define a CV for the zero values (default CV = 1.5).

Here we compare these alternatives with a third, experimental method, using the Tweedie distribution to model observation errors. The Tweedie distribution is a positive, continuous distribution that accepts zeros and is therefore an ideal candidate for situations with zero biomass observations. The tradeoffs of this situation is that it requires the estimation of another parameter (the power parameter ρ\rho), is computationally expensive, and at least in trial runs, appears to suffer from convergence issues.

The following example uses BSAI non-shortspine thornyhead (non-SST) other rockfish in the EBS shelf bottom trawl survey. The time series of biomass has 13 zeros out of 38 total observations.

nonsst <- read.csv('ebsshelf_orox_biomass.csv')
strata year biomass cv
EBS Shelf 1982 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 1983 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 1984 17.75 1.0001177
EBS Shelf 1985 36.17 0.9999791
EBS Shelf 1986 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 1987 49.72 0.9999973
EBS Shelf 1988 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 1989 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 1990 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 1991 857.40 0.9427366
EBS Shelf 1992 13.75 0.9996411
EBS Shelf 1993 86.07 1.0000160
EBS Shelf 1994 46.61 0.9999849
EBS Shelf 1995 75.58 0.7025223
EBS Shelf 1996 35.63 0.9999759
EBS Shelf 1997 126.24 0.9999773
EBS Shelf 1998 537.59 0.6792890
EBS Shelf 1999 397.58 0.7501752
EBS Shelf 2000 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 2001 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 2002 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 2003 55.35 0.6986692
EBS Shelf 2004 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 2005 36.32 1.0000123
EBS Shelf 2006 356.64 0.8470749
EBS Shelf 2007 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 2008 0.00 NA
EBS Shelf 2009 121.56 0.5781683
EBS Shelf 2010 56.95 0.9201803
EBS Shelf 2011 55.82 1.0000285
EBS Shelf 2012 36.63 1.0000276
EBS Shelf 2013 39.73 1.0001188
EBS Shelf 2014 28.25 0.9999542
EBS Shelf 2015 142.91 0.9999827
EBS Shelf 2016 20.06 0.9997865
EBS Shelf 2017 169.32 0.7267037
EBS Shelf 2018 1592.69 0.6999401
EBS Shelf 2019 0.00 NA

Model 1: Zeros as NAs

nonsst <- read.csv('ebsshelf_orox_biomass.csv')

input1 <- prepare_rema_input(model_name = 'M1: Zeros as NAs',
                             biomass_dat = nonsst,
                             zeros = list(assumption = 'NA'))
m1 <- fit_rema(input1)
#> Model runtime: 0.1 seconds 
#> stats::nlminb thinks the model has converged: mod$opt$convergence == 0
#> Maximum gradient component: 4.23e-10 
#> Max gradient parameter: log_PE 
#> TMB:sdreport() was performed successfully for this model

Model 2: Add a small constant

input2 <- prepare_rema_input(model_name = 'M2: Small constant=0.01, CV=1.5',
                            biomass_dat = nonsst,
                            zeros = list(assumption = 'small_constant',
                                         # values: 1) small constant, 2) assumed CV
                                         options_small_constant = c(0.01, 1.5)))
m2 <- fit_rema(input2)
#> Model runtime: 0.1 seconds 
#> stats::nlminb thinks the model has converged: mod$opt$convergence == 0
#> Maximum gradient component: 1.33e-07 
#> Max gradient parameter: log_PE 
#> TMB:sdreport() was performed successfully for this model

Model 3: Tweedie distribution

input3 <- prepare_rema_input(model_name = 'M3: Tweedie',
                             biomass_dat = nonsst,
                             zeros = list(assumption = 'tweedie'))

m3 <- fit_rema(input3)
#> Model runtime: 0.1 seconds 
#> stats::nlminb thinks the model has converged: mod$opt$convergence == 0
#> Maximum gradient component: 1.72e-10 
#> Max gradient parameter: log_PE 
#> TMB:sdreport() was performed successfully for this model

Compare model results

compare <- compare_rema_models(rema_models = list(m1, m2, m3))

Models 1 (Zeros as NAs) and 3 (Tweedie) have the most similar results. While the Tweedie appears to perform well in this case, it can be very slow to run and suffer from convergence issues, especially when observation errors are relatively small. The Tweedie alternative should be considered experimental until these issues can be resolved.